Sunday, July 6, 2008

Beach house tacky

Our family is in Ft. Myers celebrating my in-laws 50th anniversary. We arrived yesterday and I have had 24 hours to absorb the interior decor of our rental beach house. Let me tell you what I have learned. Sometimes you CAN have too many fish decorations. We are going to play a game later tonight to see just how many fish the kids can count. The first to get to 200 wins a prize.

As a set designer, I am reminded that it is easy to go overboard with a series theme. If your theme is "sheep and shepherd", for example, maybe 35 sheep on stage is alittle excessive. Less is best in most cases, or atleast be subtle. I think this decorator should have scaled it down a bit. Maybe I should hook them up with some design advice.

Stay tuned! Tomorrow we are talking lighthouses.


Lauren DiStefano said...

Ha. good times in the ...egh... decorated beach house.

SmilingSally said...

Jenna helped the decor sooo much by turning that one FOCAL fish.

all day (allen d) said...

i didn't mind because i was with you!

Tami said...

And why are the fish all swimming in such a straight line? Like drones or something? This is surely a case of "I saw it in a magazine and tried to duplicate it." Think this is an easy mistake to make when decorating... instead of going for duplicating the actual picture... we should work on re-creating the FEELING a picture or room or whatever... gives us when we experience it.

Poor little wall fishies in a line...